The Wu-Xing, heavily inspired by ancient Chinese mythology, as well as China's neighboring countries, takes place in a world ruled by all kinds monsters! But an evil being from another dimension has stolen the five elemental sources (orbs) (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal), and hid them away, leaving the world in chaos and imbalance. It's up to you and your monster clan to take down the monsters guarding them, bring them back to where they belong to bring back peace to this world!
This is a large scale project, developed in Unity, and targeted for home consoles. At the same time, I have a full time job and this is a hobby for me, but I put as much time as I can into this project. There's already a few talented people on board and their contributions have been fantastic. The three monster artists, Shenaniganza, Zekey Spacey Lizard and RacieBeep have all done incredible work and really brought my concepts to life. About 20-25 designs are done, I am to have at least unique 100 monsters you can play as!
Now, I am looking to build up the team even more, to help with other aspects of the game. I am looking for three people to fill three roles at the moment for paid contract work:
Map / Environment artist:
Each map would be an overlayed 2d image, with a top down perspective that you see in Zelda and many RPGs. Maps will greatly resemble ancient Asian paintings, but with a twist and "flair" applied to make the style of the maps one of a kind, which we will discuss and decide which would be best for the game. I will map rough designs of the maps, while you will bring them to life!
I'm looking for high energy, ancient east-Asian "war music", but with a bit of modern flair. The music should always keep the player on their toes, the world is at war after all! Each landmark (Aiming for about 25 at the moment) will contain a unique track to best represent the area.
Overworld monster artist/animators:
Using the finished designs, you will develop the design and animations for the monsters from a top-down perspective. Monsters can face 8 directions (can be mirror-flipped to have 5), and represent several "states". Such as idle, walking, various attacks, etc. but we'll just focus on idle and walking for the time being.
These are all incredibly big tasks, so I will be bringing in even more people to help with these roles later on.
Newgrounds has an incredible pool of talent, both new and old, and I know there's people here who could be incredibly valuable assets to the game. If you are interested, please send an email to along with samples of your work, we can start chatting and see if you're a good fit for the role!
I just sent you an email containing some sample tracks! Hope to hear back soon!